Sunday, January 24, 2010

Christmas 2009 -- The Lang Gang

Nativity scene: Ethan w/ sheep, Addy w/ Alayna, Izzy, and Jack
Alayna Lu (3 months) and Gwen Elizabeth (8 months)

Two happy babies, Alayna and Gwenie

Nana Bette holds her ceramic pot from Sweden
Papa Mike holds Alayna Lu
Lindsay w/ Alayna, Mike w/ Izzy, Ethan and Addy
Tyson and Meghan with Jack
Great-grandma Elizabeth with the Lang Gang kids (all 11)
Mike and Bette with the Lang Gang kids
The Lang Gang kids:
Back: Izzy, Addy, Lance, Cooper, Bailey and Karsyn
Front: Jack, Blair holding Gwenie, and Ethan holding Alayna

1 comment:

Unknown said...

B-tell me about your ceramic pot. You made some memories with your great pictures.