Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009 at Jeanne's home

Lance and Blair are ready to eat breakfast

Happy Cheeta Gwenie with Mommy Jeanne

Cheeta Gwen and Daddy Jon
Gwenie and Mommy Jeanne
Gwenie is almost crawling
Big Brothers Lance and Blair with Gwenie
We had a great time with Jeanne's family for Thanksgiving weekend. They cooked delicious food (tempura the first night and prime rib plus homemade rolls the second night). Although we didn't have any turkey, there was plenty of gobbling going on with five different kinds of pies! We were all popping Rolaids by evening. At 8 months, Gwenie is at such a cute age--laughing, rolling around, and almost ready to crawl. Blair and Lance enjoy playing with their baby sister, and Jeanne (of course) loves dressing her up in girlie clothes. She waited a long time for a girl and is enjoying every minute. Pink rules!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Gwenie visits Nana and Papa--November 2009

Gwenie is learning to sit!

Halloween 2009--BOO!

Lindsay (a good witch?) holding Alayna (a puppy), Izzy (Sleeping Beauty--she insisted on the apple!), Addy (a princess), and Ethan (Darth Vadar) on their front porch in Sweden
Clockwise from bottom: Addy, Ethan, Ludwig (Ethan's friend) and Izzy (still munching that poisoned apple!) in their living room in Sweden--watching a movie, I think
Bailey and Karsyn, vampires
Karsyn's makeup and fangs
Bailey's makeup (without her fangs)
Cooper as the Incredible Hulk
Cooper with his mask and fists
Back row: Jon (Spock), Gwen (a flower without her bloom), Meghan (a witch), Jack (a pirate), Tyson (a viking?), and Jeanne (a bee)
Front row: Lance (Mario) and Blair (Indiana Jones)
Gwen with her blossom bonnet (she didn't love wearing it)
Jeanne and Gwenie
Jon, Lance and Blair

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sweden: September/October 2009--Alayna Lu

Tiny Baby Alayna Lu!
A big yawn

What a sober baby

Sleeping Beauty

Blessing day

With Nana (she'd rather be with Mommy)

Alayna, 6 weeks, in typical Swedish outfit

Alayna Lu loves her mommy!
Now she's a chubby baby

A little too much love from big sister Izzy (2)

Sweden: September/October 2009

In the city of Lund, amid the beautiful fall leaves

In Lund

An ornate ancient church in Lund

The harbor in Lindsay's new hometown

At Sofiero, the former summer home of Sweden's King and Queen

Downtown Helsingborg

A beautiful old church in Helsingborg

Izzy at the beach two blocks from home

Ethan, Izzy and Addy at the beach by their house

Addy at Kullabergs, an ocean view park

Ethan, Addy and Izzy at the ocean park

Ethan at the ocean park

Lindsay's family at the ocean park

Inside courtyard at "Hamlet" castle in Copenhagen

Inside courtyard of "Hamlet" castle
The outside of the "Hamlet" castle

Ferry ride to Copenhagen

Lindsay's cute house

I've returned after five weeks in Sweden, helping Lindsay with her 4th baby (and our 11th grandchild). Baby Alayna Lu (born on 09/09/09) is thriving. She's growing fast, loves her mommy, and tolerates her siblings, Izzy (2), Addy (6) and Ethan (8). Sweden was WONDERFUL, such a pretty country, and such nice people. I had a great time meeting all of Lindsay's new Swedish and American friends there. We mostly stayed home with the kids, the mess, the laundry, and the dishes. But we did a little sightseeing, too. Lindsay lives in a picturesque little village by the sea. We walked around town on the cobblestone streets and to the beach behind their house. We also went to the pretty town harbor. We drove to an ocean park nearby (Kullabergs) which juts out into the Baltic Sea. The view was really stunning. We also visited the bigger cities of Helsingborg and Lund, both of which were very "European," full of great old buildings. We took the ferry to Copenhagen and visited the actual "Hamlet" castle. Mostly, though, I enjoyed visiting with the kids and holding little Alayna--although she would have perferred her mommy's arms! I'm glad to be safely back home, but I miss Lindsay's little family in Sweden.