Thursday, September 10, 2009

September 2009

Cooper started preschool. Kate felt bad leaving him the first day
(with silent tears in his eyes), but I'm sure he will love it.
Bailey started 4th grade. She's so grown up!

Tyson and Meghan and Jack came for a short visit over Labor Day.
The "boys" (including Brandon with Karsyn and Bailey,
Tyson and Meghan with Jack, and Papa Mike) went shooting.
Even Meghan (above) got in on the action.
(Nana Bette stayed home and took a long hot bath!)
Tyson and Jack

Brandon with Karsyn and Cooper

Karsyn, Jack, and Cooper enjoy an apple after jumping in the Bounce Around.

1 comment:

Kathy’s Korner said...

I saw you guys tonight, but didn't get a chance to say hi, it was fun!