Lance and Blair are ready to eat breakfast
Happy Cheeta Gwenie with Mommy Jeanne
Cheeta Gwen and Daddy Jon
Gwenie and Mommy Jeanne
Gwenie is almost crawling
We had a great time with Jeanne's family for Thanksgiving weekend. They cooked delicious food (tempura the first night and prime rib plus homemade rolls the second night). Although we didn't have any turkey, there was plenty of gobbling going on with five different kinds of pies! We were all popping Rolaids by evening. At 8 months, Gwenie is at such a cute age--laughing, rolling around, and almost ready to crawl. Blair and Lance enjoy playing with their baby sister, and Jeanne (of course) loves dressing her up in girlie clothes. She waited a long time for a girl and is enjoying every minute. Pink rules!