Friday, July 31, 2009

July 2009

Papa Mike's new knee!

Papa Mike (far right) at HS reunion

Karsyn with puppy

Bailey with puppy

July 2009



Lance and Blair

Jeanne with Gwenie

Jon with Gwenie

Izzy with her "friend" at Old Navy

Addy and Izzy

Ethan, Izzy, and Addy in American Fork before the big move to Sweden

Monday, July 27, 2009

I'm so lazy about updating my blog. Sorry! I'll give a short update on our family.

On July 23 Mike had his left knee replaced and is now home recovering. It's a pretty drastic surgery, but he was in so much pain from his bone-on-bone knee that he took the plunge. I hope he either gets well soon or starts minding his nurse (me). It will be a stressful week, or maybe six weeks!

Lindsay's family is settled in Sweden, and they have made several new friends. We are so grateful for how well they've been accepted by their ward family. Ethan has a new best friend, Ludvig, 10, (I'm not sure of the spelling), and his mom Rebecca and his dad CJ (who is in the bishopric) have been so kind to Lindsay's little family. I hope the two families will be friends forever. Rebecca gave a talk on prayer at Church last Sunday, and she said Ludvig and his parents had been praying for a new family in the ward with more Primary children. Before Lindsay moved there, the Primary only had two kids. Lindsay's three children have more than doubled that number! CJ's extended family (his mom and his sister who lives in the U.S.) have also "adopted" Lindsay's family, along with the former bishop of the ward and the stake president and their wives who have invited them to activities and dinner. Lindsay is due with her baby girl on September 10 or 12. I hope to be able to go to Sweden to help her (if Big Mike has recovered enough to be on his own). Ethan and Addy will be attending an International school in the fall (Ethan in 3rd grade and Addy in 1st), and Izzy will be in preschool.

Meghan, Tyson's wife, is also pregnant, with their second baby. She's due on Valentine's Day, s and they would really love a little girl! Jack is excited to have a baby sister or brother. Tyson's job as a lawyer in Spokane is going well, but he does a lot of driving to Wenatchee, Tri-Cities, Moses Lake, Ephrata, and other nearby cities. They just had to buy a new car to replace his worn-out, borken-down truck. They got a Nissan Xtera (sp?) and are excited to finally have another reliable vehicle. Jack will hopefully be in preschool in the fall.

Jeanne's little baby Gwenie (almost 4 months old) is growing so fast. She's getting easier to keep happy and is so pudgy. She just loves to nurse! Blair and especially Lance seem to really enjoy their baby sister. Jon's dental practice keeps him busy. Jeanne spends most of her time cleaning up after the boys, taking care of the baby, and running the kids to activities. Lance is very curious and has had some rather funny incidents involving Vaseline, Elmer's glue, and other substances that have somehow managed to get all over him and the house! I wish I could feel sorrier for Jeanne, but she was exactly the same way as a child and had her own Vaseline incident at about the same age Lance is now. Blair will be in 4th grade and Lance will be in kindergarten in the fall.

Brandon's job is slowing down. He works for an insulation company, and the building industry is pretty bad in this terrible economy. Kate still works at the doctors' clinic, and their three kids keep them busy. Their little dog, Lola, had SEVEN puppies a few weeks ago! Does anyone out there want a cute little doggie? Their family spends a lot of time on their boat in the summer. In the fall, Bailey will be in 4th grade, Karsyn will be in kindergarten, and Cooper will be in preschool.

I hope by August our lives will be back on schedule as far as Mike's knee is concerned. In the meantime, I'm trying to be patient and helpful--but I admit to some lapses in both areas.